

Below are some terms you may see used when "Crufflers" talk about working on C&R firearms or describing their favorite finds.  If you have additional ones you would like to add, please email me overbey@infi.net

As-Found Condition - a gun that you don’t want to clean up for the photoshoot.

BBT - Big Brown Truck (United Parcel Service delivery truck).

BLO - boiled linseed oil.

Ballerina Molester - Ballester Molina (Argentine) .45 auto pistol.

Boat anchor – firearm that has no use other than to weigh something down (AKA boat oar, doorstop)

Bubba - a backyard "gunsmith". An amateur tinkerer.

Bubba-ized - a C&R that has been screwed up by Bubba.

Butchered – sporterizing/defacing a formerly perfectly good original collector rifle.

Cruffle-bud: Fellow gun collector who threw you a break once.

Dig-up - a C&R or antique gun that was found buried in the earth. AKA (dug-up).

Duffle Cut - cut under the front band of a stock, so it could be brought home after the war in a Duffel bag.

Elvis - was a mythical firearm or accessory: No one has ever seen one in person, even though many crufflers swear that such an item actually exists. Example: A genuine shoulder stock for a A VIS 35 Radom pistol. An Elvis could also be a gun that was once produced, but it is now commonly believed there are no surviving examples, even though some crufflers claim to have recently seen one.

Feeding Frenzy - excited buying by large numbers of Crufflers.

Frankenmauser - a Mauser that was assembled from non-matching parts or from parts from another model of Mauser.

Frankenswede - a Swedish firearm that was assembled from non-matching parts or from parts from another model of Swede.

Froggy (Frog) – of, or relating to the French.

Husky – Husqvarna (Swedish) made rifle/pistol

Karlina - Carl Gustav (Swedish) made rifle.

Lamp Stand - gun that is a lost cause, but can be used for decoration.

Liberace - a sporterized gun that has been overly decorated or adorned to the extent that it is annoying to look at (AKA Hotrod).

Mouser - Mauser

Pelferized - A formerly bubbacized rifle that has been restored to some measure of respectability via repair, refurbishment or replacement of parts. Named after C&R guru Paul Pelfrey.

POS – acronym for "Piece of S..t".

Potato Sticker – original cleaning rod for a Mosin Nagant rifle.

Re-bar Condition – rough and rusted.

Relic Condition - a large, non-symmetrical piece of rust. Seller term.

Rescued - restoring a butchered rifle to original form. Can also mean buying a rifle to save it from being butchered.

Sewer Pipe - rusty bore, rarely salvagable (lost cause).

Shark Tank - a group of crufflers with money burning a hole in their pockets.

Smelly – British SMLE rifle.

Tent Peg - usually referencing a cheap, rusted, beyond redemption bayonet.

Veg-O-Matic - the bolt on a Ljungman rifle or a Hakim rifle.

Wall Hanger - firearm that shouldn't be shot, only displayed. Roughly equivalent to Lamp Stand.

Widowmaker - 1903 Springfield rifle with low serial number (weak receiver).

Wine Cave: Storage facility of lost and mysterious armaments, usually in Europe.

Wizard - a retail "gunsmith/importer" who alters a C&R purportedly to "enhance" the desirability/price (sale-a-bility) of the firearm. Used mostly by Century Arms and Gibbs (verb. to wiz on; i.e. Somebody really wizzed on that Carcano.)